Update #ProjectServer lookup tables using #PowerShell #PS2010 #SP2010 #MSProject #PS2013

I recently wrote a PowerShell script that updates a Project Server lookup table with values from a text file. The script is available to download, I have uploaded it to the Microsoft Script Center below: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Update-Server-Lookup-table-bb1ae14f ****Update - this also works for Project Server 2013**** This post will detail what needs to be updated in... Continue Reading →

#SharePoint 2007 / 2010 and #ProjectServer 2007/ 2010 #BI Reporting made easy #SP2010 #PS2010 #businessintelligence #SQL

Following from my previous post where I briefly introduced a new product from CPS called SharePoint ReportLink, as promised, this post demonstrates the ease of use and ease of reporting on SharePoint data when using SharePoint ReportLink. For the purpose of this blog post, I have already deployed the solution to my test VM. Worth... Continue Reading →

#SharePoint 2007 / 2010 Reporting #SP2010 #PS2010 #ProjectServer #BI #businessintelligence #SQL

A quick blog post to highlight a new product that CPS have released. The product is called SharePoint ReportLink. Details for the product can be found below: http://www.cps.co.uk/What-We-Do/Pages/SharePoint-ReportLink.aspx http://www.cps.co.uk/What-We-Do/Documents/SharePoint%20ReportLink.pdf This product enables end users to easily create reports on SharePoint data using their favourite reporting technology without having to use the SharePoint web services. The... Continue Reading →

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