#ProjectServer #PS2010 / #PS2013 bulk #Project site creation using #PowerShell 3.0 or later #SP2013 #SP2010

I recently had to bulk delete and then bulk create project sites for a client. Rather than engaging one of our devs I wrote a PowerShell script to do this. This does need PowerShell 3.0 or later to work. This post covers the bulk create script as this is generic, the bulk delete was specific... Continue Reading →

Create a #ProjectServer #PS2010 #PS2013 project from a template and update the EPT #SP2013 #SP2010 #PowerShell

I have been meaning to publish this PowerShell script for a few months but finally got around to it today. The PowerShell script creates a project from a template then updates the Enterprise Project Type (EPT). I did write a post over a year ago on how to create a project using PowerShell but this... Continue Reading →

Publish specified Projects in #ProjectServer using #PowerShell #MSProject #PS2010 #SP2010 #PS2013

There have been several requests for publishing projects listed in a text file, this follows on from my post / publish all projects script found below: https://pwmather.wordpress.com/2012/05/31/updated-publish-all-projects-in-projectserver-using-powershell-msproject-ps2010-sp2010/ http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Server-2010-Publish-all-45ba385b ****Update - this also works for Project Server 2013**** This script allows you to specify a list of projects in a text, then only those projects will... Continue Reading →

Update #ProjectServer lookup tables using #PowerShell #PS2010 #SP2010 #MSProject #PS2013

I recently wrote a PowerShell script that updates a Project Server lookup table with values from a text file. The script is available to download, I have uploaded it to the Microsoft Script Center below: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Update-Server-Lookup-table-bb1ae14f ****Update - this also works for Project Server 2013**** This post will detail what needs to be updated in... Continue Reading →

Publish all Projects in #ProjectServer using #PowerShell #MSProject #PS2010 #SP2010

A frequent request from Project Server Administrators is how can I publish all projects on the server to ensure that the reports are current. This is where PowerShell comes in very handy again. Below is the PowerShell script that will publish all project plans in the server. $svcPSProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri "http://vm353/pwatest/_vti_bin/PSI/Project.asmx?wsdl" -useDefaultCredential $ProjectList =... Continue Reading →

Create and publish a Project in #ProjectServer via #PowerShell #PS2010 #MSProject #SP2010

Following on from a recent post on Project Server PSI PowerShell scripts, I thought of a nice slightly more advanced example. The script below will create a new project using the specified project template. $ProjName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Name of the Project" Write-host "The Project is called $ProjName" $svcPSProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri "http://vm353/pwatest/_vti_bin/PSI/Project.asmx?wsdl"... Continue Reading →

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